James Nylen <jny...@gmail.com> writes:

> Rather than adding a marker to each commit when splitting out the
> commits back to the subproject, --unannotate removes the specified
> string (or bash glob pattern) from the beginning of the first line of
> the commit message.  This enables the following workflow:

I applied the patch to my working copy but it doesn't seem to do
what I'd expect.  The test script does something like this:

- create project A
- add file to project A with message "subproj: add F1"
- add file to project A with message "subproj: add F2"
- add project A as a subtree of project B under directory subdir
- add a file to subdir with message "subproj: add F3"
- do a split --unannotate="subproj:"

I expected to see a log with no mention of "subproj" anywhere.  Instead
I get:

add F3
subproj: add F2
subproj: add F1

Is this as you intend?  Is --unannotate only supposed to strip the
string for commits added when A was a subtree of B?

I guess this behavior makes sense in that the user would want to
see the same commits that existed before A became a subproject.

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