On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 2:13 PM, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem with completing --no- form is that the number of
> completable options now usually doubles, taking precious screen space
> and also making it hard to find the option you want.
> So the other half of this patch, the part in git-completion.bash, is
> to uncomplete --no- options. When you do "git checkout --<tab>",
> instead of displaying all --no- options, this patch simply displays
> one item: the --no- prefix. If you do "git checkout --no-<tab>" then
> all negative options are displayed. This helps reduce completable
> options quite efficiently.
> After all this "git checkout --<tab>" now looks like this
>     > ~/w/git $ git co --
>     --conflict=                   --orphan=
>     --detach                      --ours
>     --ignore-other-worktrees      --patch
>     --ignore-skip-worktree-bits   --progress
>     --merge                       --quiet
>     --no-                         --recurse-submodules
>     --no-detach                   --theirs
>     --no-quiet                    --track
>     --no-track

I haven't looked at the implementation, so this may be an entirely
stupid suggestion, but would it be possible to instead render the
completions as?

    % git checkout --<tab>
    --[no-]conflict=                   --[no-]patch
    --[no-]detach                      --[no-]progress
    --[no-]ignore-other-worktrees      --[no-]quiet
    --[no-]ignore-skip-worktree-bits   --[no-]recurse-submodules
    --[no-]merge                       --theirs
    --[no-]orphan=                     --[no-]track

This would address the problem of the --no-* options taking double the
screen space.

It's also more intuitive than that lone and somewhat weird-looking
"--no-" suggestion.

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