Jeff King <> writes:

> But it would apply to the content that is outside
> of the hunk marker; we have changed the concept of what is in the base
> and what is in the conflict by shrinking the conflict to its smallest
> size.

Hmm, unless you mean by "base" something entirely different from
"what was in the common ancestor version", I do not think I can
agree.  The point of diff3 mode is to show how it looked line in the
common ancestor and what the conflicting sides want to change that
common version into; letting the user view three versions to help
him decide what to do by only looking at the part inside conflict

We show "both sides added, either identically or differently" as
noteworthy events, but the patched code pushes "both sides added
identically" case outside the conflicting hunk, as if what was added
relative to the common ancestor version (in Uwe's case, is it 1-14
that is common, or just 10-14?) is not worth looking at when
considering what the right resolution is.  If it is not worth
looking at what was in the original for the conflicting part, why
would we be even using diff3 mode in the first place?

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