On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 01:50:46PM -0800, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> I think it is more like "I added bread and my wife added bread to
> our common shopping list" and our two-way "RCS merge" default is to
> collapse that case to "one loaf of bread on the shopping list".  My
> impression has always been that people who use "diff3" mode care
> about this case and want to know that the original did not have
> "bread" on the list in order to decide if one or two loaves of bread
> should remain in the result.

I think that is only the case sometimes. It depends on what is in the
conflict, and what your data is. I think you are conflating two things,
though: zealousness of merge, and having the original content handy when
resolving. To me, diff3 is about the latter. It can also be a hint that
the user cares about the former, but not necessarily.

> > In Uwe's example,
> > it is just noise that detracts from the interesting part of the change
> > (or does it? I think the answer is in the eye of the reader).
> In other words, you would use the "RCS merge" style because most of
> the time you would resolve to "one loaf of bread" and the fact that
> it was missing in the original is not needed to decide that.  So, it
> feels strange to use "diff3" and still want to discard that
> information---if it is not relevant, why are you using diff3 mode in
> the first place?  That is the question that is still not answered.

Because for the lines that _are_ changed, you may want to see what the
original looked like. Here's a more realistic example:

        git init repo
        cd repo

        # Some baseline C code.
        cat >foo.c <<\EOF
        int foo(int bar)
          return bar + 5;
        git add foo.c
        git commit -m base
        git tag base

        # Simulate a modification to the function.
        sed -i '2a\
          if (bar < 3)\
            bar *= 2;
        ' foo.c
        git commit -am multiply
        git tag multiply

        # And another modification.
        sed -i 's/bar + 5/bar + 7/' foo.c
        git commit -am plus7

        # Now on a side branch...
        git checkout -b side base

        # let's cherry pick the first change. Obviously
        # we could just fast-forward in this toy example,
        # but let's try to simulate a real history.
        # We insert a sleep so that the cherry-pick does not
        # accidentally end up with the exact same commit-id (again,
        # because this is a toy example).
        sleep 1
        git cherry-pick multiply

        # and now let's make a change that conflicts with later
        # changes on master
        sed -i 's/bar + 5/bar + 8/' foo.c
        git commit -am plus8

        # and now merge, getting a conflict
        git merge master

        # show the result with various marker styles
        for i in merge diff3 zdiff3; do
          echo "==> $i"
          git.compile checkout --conflict=$i foo.c
          cat foo.c

which produces:

        ==> merge
        int foo(int bar)
          if (bar < 3)
            bar *= 2;
        <<<<<<< ours
          return bar + 8;
          return bar + 7;
        >>>>>>> theirs

The ZEALOUS level has helpfully cut out the shared cherry-picked bits,
and let us focus on the real change.

        ==> diff3
        int foo(int bar)
        <<<<<<< ours
          if (bar < 3)
            bar *= 2;
          return bar + 8;
        ||||||| base
          return bar + 5;
          if (bar < 3)
            bar *= 2;
          return bar + 7;
        >>>>>>> theirs

Here we get to see all of the change, but the interesting difference is
overwhelmed by the shared cherry-picked bits. It's only 2 lines here,
but of course it could be much larger in a real example, and the reader
is forced to manually verify that the early parts are byte-for-byte

        ==> zdiff3
        int foo(int bar)
          if (bar < 3)
            bar *= 2;
        <<<<<<< ours
          return bar + 8;
        ||||||| base
          return bar + 5;
          return bar + 7;
        >>>>>>> theirs

Here we see the hunk cut-down again, removing the cherry-picked parts.
But the presence of the base is still interesting, because we see
something that was not in the "merge" marker: that we were originally
at "5", and moved to "7" on one side and "8" on the other.

I see conflicts like this when I rebase my topics forward; you may pick
up part of my series, or even make a tweak to a patch in the middle. I
prefer diff3 markers because they carry more information (and use them
automatically via merge.conflictstyle). But in some cases, the lack of
zealous reduction means that I end having to figure out whether and if
anything changed in the seemingly identical bits.  Sometimes it is
nothing, and sometimes you tweaked whitespace or fixed a typo, and it
takes a lot of manual looking to figure it out. I hadn't realized it was
related to the use of diff3 until the discussion today.

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