Phil Haack <> writes:

> Hello there! Please /cc me with responses as I'm not on the mailing list.
> I'm using git version 1.8.1.msysgit.1 and I ran into a very minor issue. It
> doesn't actually seem to affect operations, but I thought I'd report it in 
> case
> someone felt it was worth cleaning up.

I do not think this is limited to "branch --set-whatever".

> If you run the following set of commands:
>     git checkout -b some-branch
>     git push origin some-branch
>     git branch --set-upstream-to origin/some-branch
>     git branch --unset-upstream some-branch

This step causes the removal of the last variable in a configuration
section, which leaves an empty section.  As the code to add a new
variable to the configuration, trying to reuse an existing section
header, does not pay attention to an empty section, you end up with
an empty section, followed by a new one.

Either removal of configuration variable should be taught to remove
the section header when a section becomes empty, or addition of
configuration variable should be taught to notice an empty section

>     git branch --set-upstream-to origin/some-branch
> You get the following result in the .git\config file
>     [branch "some-branch"]
>     [branch "some-branch"]
>         remote = origin
>         merge = refs/heads/some-branch
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