On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:53 AM, John Keeping <j...@keeping.me.uk> wrote:
> I'm not sure I fully understand what the reports are, but it sounds like
> they are closely related to original configuration commits.  If that is
> the case, have you considered using Git notes instead of a separate
> repository?

Interesting suggestion! I read up on git-notes.

Yes, reports are closely related to a commit -- it's a lot of the
execution of puppet with that config on a client node. At the same
time, we have one report per change deployment, per client -- with
thousands of clients. So it will be a large dataset, and a transient
one -- I intend to use git as a store-and-forward mechanism for the
reports, and it is safe&sane to forget old reports.

I don't see much ease-of-expiry in the notes, so I guess I would have
to write that myself, which complicates things a bit :-)


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