Felipe Contreras wrote:
> And is going to change soon.

Your point being?  How will this patch interact with push.default = matching?

>> branch.<name>.push should probably be named
>> branch.<name>.downstreamref and be used only for informational
>> purposes (@{d} and git status)?
> That makes absolutely no sense.

I said downstreamref, not downstreamrefspec.

> [branch "master"]
>           remote = origin
>           merge = refs/heads/master
>           pushremote = github
>           push = refs/heads/fc/master
> [branch "fc/old-remote/hg"]
>           remote = .
>           merge = refs/heads/master
>           pushremote = github
>           push = refs/heads/fc/remote/hg
> Tell me how you express that without 'remote.branch.push'.

[remote "origin"]
    push = refs/heads/master:refs/heads/fc/master

[remote "."]
    push = refs/heads/fc/old-remote/hg:refs/heads/fc/remote/hg

Advantage being you can do:

[remote "origin"]
    push = refs/heads/*:refs/for/*

While you can't with branch.<name>.push.
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