
> What protocol/transport are you using (http, ssh, git)?
I am cloning over http

> Can you try running with:

 GIT_TRACE_PACKET=$PWD/trace.out git clone ...
GIT_TRACE_PACKET=$PWD/trace.out git clone
Cloning into 'night_pharmacy'...
Checking connectivity... done

That's all I get. No trace.out was written.

> So let's do the next test: does

    echo test >&2

print "test" on the box where Git does not report progress?

Yes it does.

> Another one: does Git report progress if you explicitly pass --progress
to it?

git clone --progress http://git.webciniz.im/project/night_pharmacy.git
Cloning into 'night_pharmacy'...
Checking connectivity... done

That's all I get

> Does it work if you do

    git clone $URL 2>&1

git clone http://git.webciniz.im/project/night_pharmacy.git 2>&1
Cloning into 'night_pharmacy'...
Checking connectivity... done

That's all I get.


On 6 December 2013 19:53, Konstantin Khomoutov
<flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Dec 2013 19:44:21 +0200
> Muzaffer Tolga Ozses <to...@ozses.net> wrote:
> [...]
>> >> > Resolving deltas: 100% (369/369), done.
>> >> >
>> >> > whereas I don't get those with my own. What could I be doing
>> >> > wrong?
> [...]
>> >> So it might turn out on your own server Git for some reason fails
>> >> to figure out its standard error stream is connected to a terminal.
>> >> Or, the error stream of your shell process is redirected somewhere
>> >> (and hence inherited by Git).
> [...]
>> > So you might face a misbehaving shell logon script for instance.
>> >
>> > As to whether Git senses the TTY -- what does running
>> >
>> >   stty
>> >
>> > tells you?  Does it fail with something like "inappropriate ioctl
>> > for device" or prints a couple of settings?
>> stty tells me
>> speed 38400 baud; line = 0;
>> eol = M-^?; eol2 = M-^?; swtch = M-^?;
>> ixany iutf8
>> And I run identical commands on both servers, only URL changes.
> OK, so we could supposedly rule out the possibility Git does not sense
> it's connected to a terminal.
> So let's do the next test: does
>     echo test >&2
> print "test" on the box where Git does not report progress?
> Another one: does Git report progress if you explicitly pass --progress
> to it?
> Does it work if you do
>     git clone $URL 2>&1
> ?
> What Git and OS versions are on both machines?
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