
I am in the process of rewriting the core logic of git blame (the
current speed of which is quite an impediment to some workflows).
I currently have one question I don't see an answer to right away, and
that question arises in doing a reasonably robust traversal of commits
without determining topology first:

The question is what guarantees I have with regard to the commit date of
a commit in relation to that of its parent commits:

a) none
b) commitdate(child) >= commitdate(parent)
c) commitdate(child) > commitdate(parent)

Obviously, I can rely on c) being true "almost always": it's definitely
good for a heuristic used for improving performance (meaning as an
ordering criterion for a commit priority queue).  The problem is how
much I should cater for graceful behavior for the cases where it's not.

Does git do any actual checks before pushing?

David Kastrup

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