On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 05:58:10PM +0200, Michael Haggerty wrote:

> By the time the "if" block is entered, the lock_file instance from the
> main function block is no longer in use, so re-use that one instead of
> allocating a second one.
> Note that the "lock" variable in the "if" block used to shadow the
> "lock" variable at function scope, so the only change needed is to
> remove the inner definition.

I wonder if this would also be simpler if "lock" were simply declared as
a static variable, and we drop the allocation entirely. I suppose that
does create more cognitive load, though, in that it is only correct if
the function is not recursive. On the other hand, the current code makes
a reader unfamiliar with "struct lock" wonder if there is a free(lock)

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