Thanks for the tip Jeff.  "config.mak.autogen" is created in the git
compile only when you do a "./configure".  Mine had the bad reference
to "gar" in it due to the following.

It was caused because my path had a reference to a non-related "gar"
executable (some internal command).  I saw the compile trying to
execute it and removed it from my path.  Doing a "make clean"
afterwards didn't remove the "config.mak.autogen" which had mistakenly
thought that I was using "gar" and not "ar".

When I fixed my path to not include the company specific "gar" and
started with a fresh untar it worked perfectly.  It also didn't make a
"config.mak.autogen" since that isn't what is recommended to do in the
git docs for install.

This is closed due to my own user error.


# git Makefile configuration, included in main Makefile
# config.mak.autogen.  Generated from by configure.

CC = cc
CFLAGS = -g -O2
AR = gar
TAR = gtar

Eldon Nelson
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