ahmedabu98 commented on code in PR #32514:
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/32514#discussion_r1779070948

@@ -182,30 +178,18 @@ public List<BigQueryStorageStreamSource<T>> split(
       LOG.info("Read session returned {} streams", 
-    Schema sessionSchema;
-    if (readSession.getDataFormat() == DataFormat.ARROW) {
-      org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema schema =
-          ArrowConversion.arrowSchemaFromInput(
-              readSession.getArrowSchema().getSerializedSchema().newInput());
-      org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema beamSchema =
-          ArrowConversion.ArrowSchemaTranslator.toBeamSchema(schema);
-      sessionSchema = AvroUtils.toAvroSchema(beamSchema);
-    } else if (readSession.getDataFormat() == DataFormat.AVRO) {
-      sessionSchema = new 
-    } else {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-          "data is not in a supported dataFormat: " + 
+    // TODO: this is inconsistent with method above, where it can be null
+    Preconditions.checkStateNotNull(targetTable);
+    TableSchema tableSchema = targetTable.getSchema();
+    if (selectedFieldsProvider != null && 
selectedFieldsProvider.isAccessible()) {
+      tableSchema = BigQueryUtils.trimSchema(tableSchema, 

Review Comment:
   I see, thanks for explaining. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing 
something bigger.

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