"Michel J. Menou" wrote:
> The assumption that for the few percent of the world population who are
> presently using the Internet, the balance between the positive and
> negative effects of their use falls heavily on the positive side remains
> to be demonstrated.'

Well, we are all in supposition (speculative) territory her, but Michel,
can I ask, demonstrated to whom? and by what means? ....by 'research'
findings resulting from studies usually designed, conducted, published
and interpreted by those on the upside of the divide?

What if we reverse your proposition.... what is the evidence of 
negative effects of the Internet....? where has access to Internet hurt
net (plus-minus) development, of the individual, or the society?

Then I would compare that answer to the net (plus-minus) negatives, or
costs of neglecting the Internet in development policy considerations,
which I would suggest are far greater than any negatives accruing to
equitable Internet access, and free informational and knowledge choice
(allowing for language democracy, reasonable regulation/protection, e.g.
for children, the disabled etc)...

After all, isnt the development mantra of today 'increasing peoples'
choices'? And isnt this the 'information age'? So wavering, holding
back, finger on chin, waiting one more day... (which is the witholding
privilege of us on the divide upside)... means one more day of denial to
others of enhanced knowledge and information choice.....and one more day
of watching the digital gulf yawn wider.... notwithstanding your
pollution arguments, which I acknowledge, but consider manageable
'noise' in the system.....

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