I suggest creating an initiative to foster internal collaboration within
as many countries as possible; to form national IP systems following in
the example of PBS. I urge universities to play a leading role. A
national public system could assist communites in establishing local
wireless networks.

A non-profit structure is superior to other alternatives; it provides
transparency and trust, promotes community-based participation, shares
costs and reduces investment. In fact, a nationwide non-profit network
takes no longer to build, territory by territory, local-loop by
local-loop, than in public or private activities. I suggest a
non-profit network might be capable to achieve nationwide expansion
faster; with a network supporting initially only a minimum set of basic
IP applications, including VoIP.

To enfranchise local communities in a drive to adopt IP communications
we must promote community-based initiatives, whether for:

(1) physical wireless local-loop networks;
(2) VPN platforms (basic IP applications reside here);
(3) content.  

A nation's public IP system might employ one or all, flexibly, or
evolving in a gradual process.

A national organization provides a framework to collaborate and share
resources, for VPN development and content, and in negotiations with ICT
vendors, governments and development agencies. They have the resources,
and need added only the vigorous community participation that can be
structured in an organized collaboration between communities and
supported through a national organization.

Our goal is to reach universal participation in a minimum set of basic
IP applications, one sustainable step at a time, community by community,
region by region. A network knows no boundaries, can continue to
expand, to interconnect new community networks, to allow an even greater
sharing of investment. A VPN platform can be reutilized. Content
acquisition can be shared.

The communities within a country must be organized; they need wireless
local-loop networks, or reduced telecom connection cost for
community-based virtual private networks, and an organized national
representation similar to the public broadcasting system.

Better yet, a group of national systems, under an umbrella international
organization wholly-owned by it's member national systems, can equal,
some would say equalize, the purchasing power of the largest incumbents,
and their public influence. It could have an affect on standards. I
know this to be a fact, and have had it expressed to me by several
leading ICT's.

Governments, having charged fees, must eventually regulate, and
subsidize, the cost of a part of the network platforms of their
commercial oligarchies, or cause a cross-subsidization between the
applications residing in portals and sub-portals... or allow a
completely new and independent, interoperable, low-cost system, free
from the costs of older existing networks, based on independent but
interconnected community local-loops.

In whatever outcome, there needs to be a trusted non-profit community
effort. Commercial providers can't do it, and government shouldn't. 
Let the US provide this example, where PBS has 349 noncommercial

Of the 171 licensees that own these stations, 88 are community
organizations, 56 are colleges/universities, 20 are state authorities
and 7 are local educational or municipal authorities.

Would anyone like to make suggestions or participate? If so, please

Alan Levy
Mexico, D.F.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, an NGO that is a GKP member***
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