Email for rural Africa


I am exploring email options on behalf of a grass roots rural
development project: OOCD 2000+ (Oke-Ogun Community Development Agenda
2000 Plus). Through historic reasons of friendship I use my home
broadband Internet connection in the UK on behalf of the project. Any
advice on technical issues, or organisational practicalities of setting
up and running a bureau would be appreciated.

The need:

The email facility is needed in Ago-Are, Oke-Ogun, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Communications are difficult. David Mutua, the field officer there,
tries to use email services twice a month. This involves travelling to
Ibadan, which is half a day away by public service vehicle.  Despite his
heroic efforts, even the target of twice-monthly use of email has proved
impossible to achieve. David says there are many other people in his
area travelling to Ibadan to send emails.  He points out that although
emails from Ago-Are, via satellite link, would probably be more
expensive that the Ibadan ones, the total cost (avoiding the journey to
Ibadan) would be competitive.


OOCD 2000+ will have to use a satellite link as the nearest phone
services are in Ibadan. Electricity is a problem. There is a supply, but
it is unreliable. Generators are expensive (and noisy and polluting -
but expense is the local concern). Solar power would seem to be an
attractive option, but is not in use locally.

Project details:

OOCD 2000+ is exploring appropriate ways to use ICTs to help the
community to help itself. A committee of respected community leaders
leads the project in Oke-Ogun.

Options researched to date:

One: Last June the committee saw the Solo prototype in use in Oke-Ogun.
It seemed ideal as it is designed for rural use and is powered by a
small solar panel. However it is not yet in production. We'd be
interested to hear from other potential users, because if enough of us
want it we might get it.

Two: David found a reference to VITA Connect, so I copied their website
onto a CD and that has now arrived in Oke-Ogun for viewing, using the
project's laptop. This looks like a possible solution. We'd be
interested to hear from other users.


Our project has no external funding at present, but our field officer
will be attending a VSO workshop about that in January. We are intending
to establish a sustainable email service in Ago-Are (ideally repicatble
elsewhere in Oke-Ogun) but we may need some pump-priming help.

Pam McLean
On behalf of OOCD 2000+ (Oke-Ogun Community Development Agenda 2000

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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