Hi GKD List Members,

List members seeking a site to engage with youth on development issues
might find TakingITGlobal useful...

TakingITGlobal is a fully youth-run initiative that develops knowledge
networks for the youth movement, providing a shared platform for
networks like the Youth Employment Summit, Global Youth Service Day, the
WSSD Youth Caucus etc etc. Our global online community, where our
technology and membership converges at <http://www.TakingITGlobal.org>
involves more than more than 12,000 young people in 190+ countries. Our
goal is not only to provide a platform for communication and
collaboration, but also to mobilize youth in development programs (with
networking, advocacy and capacity building components) in partnership
with specialist international organizations - for example, our "Youth
Creating Digital Opportunties" partnership with IISD, the GKP and others

On the specific issue of water, we have a discussion board on Water, so
maybe you could create 'topics/threads' in that discussion board and
post a message to start each discussing the major issues you brought up
(irrigation, groundwater, etc.) You can click "click here to discuss
this event" on the "World Water Forum" page on our site to access the
Water Discussion Board, and it is also accessible from the discussions
on sustainable development.
<http://www.takingitglobal.org/opps/event.html?eventid=2011> . We've had
conversations with International Year of Freshwater about doing
something more substantial but at the moment it's really a situation of
not having the resources.

Margaret Grieco suggested a donor should support development of a
resource/initiative like this. My comment would be that very few donors
fund youth participation like this (ongoing, actually youth-led, not
event-based etc) at an international level... Or when they do, they
develop programs in house (by adults, often the PR department!), waste
resources, and the projects typically fail after a year or two of
inactivity/stagnation. Youth really need an international fund to
support efforts like that which the Surdna Foundation do on a purely
national level in the US <http://www.surdna.org/programs/citizenry.html>
and which other groups like Soros do on a very piecemeal basis.

But to begin, we encourage you to check out TIG!


Nick Moraitis
Strategy and Partnership Coordinator
TakingITGlobal - Toronto, Canada

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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