Dear All,

On Thu 13 Feb, Pamela McLean wrote:

> We are exploring possibilities for equipping a community centre, such as
> getting computers through World Computer Exchange (WCE). Any advice or
> comments would be welcome.
> [...]
> In the long term we recognise that there are good reasons for using Open
> Source, but we have no relevant experience. Obviously if we do get
> computers we will need technical support, and as available expertise
> favours Microsoft, we are likely to start with Microsoft. We have heard
> that there are some problems about using 'normal' versions of Microsoft
> in some African countries, and that a special African version has to be
> acquired. (This is nothing to do with piracy. It is a completely
> different issue.) Can someone shed light, and let me know if it has any
> implications for use in Nigeria?

As I understand it, the problem relates to the export of software (incl
Windows) which contains encryption algorithms. Many areas of the
Developing World are covered by UN sanctions or embargoes which prohibit
such facilities being given, even as part of charitable aid, because the
equipment can later also be used for military, terrorist, drugs-
production or espionage purposes. This is referred to as "Dual-use and
Related" Goods.

In the UK notification of such UN sanctions are available from the DTI
at the last time I looked.

It is not necessarily just countries that are war zones to whom
sanctions apply. I have beside me the list of embargoes against Rwanda
which came into force in 1994 (Instrument SCR 918). Yet in June'95,
after the genocide, the sanctions area and scope was *extended* to
include Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda and Congo.

I believe there are three likely categories of encryption software which
we are used to having in "The West", but which would fall foul of these

a) Secure Socket Layer (SSL) normally used to transmit credit card info
across the internet for e-commerce purchases. There are two levels of
SSL, 40-bit and 128-bit encryption. Most UN sanctions cover the export
of *both* varients.

b) backup software, where a password can be set to prevent the data on
your CD (or whatever medium you choose) being reinstalled by someone

c) wireless LAN cards (802.11b & 802.11g) which are starting to be used
in the Developing World with directional aerials to increase the range
and provide inter-village links.

The first two categories are standard features of MS Windows versions as
sold in the West, and would need to be removed before any donated PC's
were exported to (or through) a country covered by sanctions.

Moreover, it would be prudent to purchase the genuine copies of Windows
issued by Microsoft specifically for use in the relevant zones of the
world. This avoids the ambiguities of whether the recipients are
entitled to use 2nd hand copies of Windows (where the original donor
company may have paid only an upgrade fee for the use of a newer Windows
version on their new PC's).

We should remember that the use of "illegal" copies of software is
sometimes used in the 3rd World to blackmail the user into having to
return to a particular "dealer" for ongoing sales/service. Whereas a
nice crisp M$oft Certificate of Authentication would prevent such
threats being made!

My comments come from a little personal experience of such matters
rather than my being a real expert on this subject. But I offer the
comments in good faith in that others might avoid the problems of the
(unfounded) threats which my company and our "customers" received when
first taking computers into Africa in 1999.

For the record, ExpLAN is the company behind the Solo (low energy)
computer which Pam mentioned later on in her email. When production
commences we will be using Linux or RISC OS rather than M$oft code. Even
so we intend supplying the main OS components as ROM's from the UK and
we will ensure that no such encryption systems are present on these
chips, so as not to leave our 3rd World manufacturing bases open to
allegations of supplying equipment that could benefit terrorism etc.

   __/_        Paul Richardson
  | /          ExpLAN Computers Ltd.              +44 (0)1822 613868
  |--                 RISC OS Computer Sales and Software Development 
  |/___               PO Box 32, Tavistock, Devon  PL19 8YU  Gt.Britain
  /            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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