Dear GKD Colleagues,

We are delighted to report that the first issue of Information
Technologies and International Development is now complete and is with
the MIT Press. It should be printed and shipped by this October. This
inaugural issue will be an exciting one with high-quality contributions
from Anne Holohan, Sugata Mitra, Larry Press, Don MacLean, Nicholas
Negroponte and others. In addition, two research contributions compare
the IT activities in China and India which, given recent political
activities, is more relevant and important than ever.

We are attaching (below) our editorial to the inaugural issue. This will
give you a better sense of the upcoming material as well as the process.

Deadlines for the next issue are already coming fast upon us. We are
continuously accepting submissions and hope you will send us your best
work as well as encourage your colleagues to do the same. Instructions
for authors can be found off of our website:
<>. We also would be delighted if you or your
institution can subscribe; subscription details can be received by email

Finally, we welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions by email

With kind regards,
Ernest J. Wilson, III
Michael L. Best


                  Michael L. Best and Ernest J. Wilson III
           Information Technologies and International Development
                             Volume 1 Number 1

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Information Technologies and
International Development. Our vision is to become the premier journal
in this emerging field, probing the multiple intersections between
international development and information and communication technologies
(ICTs). We enthusiastically submit to you this first issue in which we
have engaged some of the field's best scholars and practitioners; we
hope you find in ITID a helpful platform for rich and vigorous debate
that advances the field.

We believe the time is right for Information Technologies and
International Development. After a decade of often breathless and
hyperbolic dialogue, there is a now a greater sense of realism about
ICTs potential contributions to international development. The skeptics
are starting to admit that under the right conditions ICTs can indeed
play a positive, cost-effective role in development from the local level
to the global.  The enthusiasts better understand that technology is
always deeply embedded in society, and that development conditions
differ from one country to the next and always impose real constraints
on the speedy roll-out of new applications.  Furthermore, we now have a
decade of accumulated experience upon which to draw for serious analysis
and thoughtful reflection.  At this critical moment, we are seeing more
sustained interest from private firms, government agencies, foundations,
and civil society organizations eager to learn from the experiences of
others and to capture best practices.

>From the vantage of this Journal these new conditions offer a tremendous
opportunity: while we, frankly, remain optimistic about the critical
role new information and communication technologies will play in
international development there remains an extraordinary amount of
theoretical and practical work to be done by social scientists and
engineers alike. We see this issue as both a reminder of the promise and
excitement of our field as well as a call-to-action since so much
fundamental work remains.

The inaugural issue you have in your hands was nearly one year in the
making. We happily received more than fifty submissions for
consideration, and forty colleagues were kind enough to provide critical
and insightful peer reviews. The end result is an excellent issue in
which we are offering three Research Articles, three Research Reports,
and four Forum essays. We continue to receive high quality submissions,
and issue number two will also provide you with superior analysis of
critical issues in ICT and development.  We very much encourage you to
send us your best work - and to spread the word amongst your colleagues.
We accept submissions continually, on a rolling basis.

Please do visit our website,, which
contains online versions of some of the articles, the Call for Papers,
and the Instructions for Authors.  Over time we anticipate the site will
grow into a robust resource for the community.

The number of submissions for our inaugural issue was quite gratifying
and the quality of the articles selected for publication in this issue
is very high. However, we were disappointed with several aspects of the
pool, and perhaps describing the reasons will be useful to potential
authors. First, the diversity of the submissions was more narrow than we
hoped. We did not attract sufficient submissions from Africa or Latin
America.  Second, the range of subjects was not nearly as wide as we had
wished for, with too few reaching us on the more technical dimensions of
ICT and development. Some of this is no doubt due to our own failings to
publicize ITID and to develop networks into these areas; we pledge to do
better by the next issue.  Nonetheless, we ask for your help especially
to support research across the South, and to encourage submissions from
around the globe and across the professions and disciplines.

Furthermore, we were frankly disappointed with the overall quality of
submissions to the Journal.  We rejected nearly one half of the
submissions prior to any peer review as they were not judged to be of
sufficient quality to justify taxing our referees. Too many pieces were
uncritical rhetorical calls for more and more ICT use in development,
but without the supporting evidence to make the claims plausible. Too
many submission lacked analytic depth or original primary research or
failed to explain adequately the reasons they selected one methodology
over another.

Happily, the editors and external reviewers were able to select works
for this inaugural issue of the highest quality. In a very timely
offering, Don MacLean reviews the efficacy and representativeness of
global governance structures, especially the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) and suggests reforms for a more inclusive
and transparent organization. Anne Holohan offers a striking example of
ICTs in action as they facilitate the UN relief operations in Kosovo. In
a Research Report Mitra, Tooley, Inamdar, and Dixon describe how they
were able to improve English pronunciation amongst Indian school
children through the use of a computer based instructional program. In
the Forum, Nicholas Negroponte provides a controversial look at
creativity and development and the role computers and the Internet can
play. And Naveen Prakash and Madanmohan Rao offer companion book reviews
of Gyandoot - The Model for Community Networks by Rajesh Rajora.

In a Forum essay, we argue that India and China are critical test
countries for ICTs and development. The Research Article by Press,
Foster, Wolcott, and McHenry gives a very useful comparison between
these two Asian giants and demonstrates how they have pursued
contrasting national ICT strategies. In a related Research Report,
Mingzhi Li and Ming Gao describe the software sector in China, drawing
important comparisons to India. These three pieces together offer a mini
theme for this issue: the contrasting ICT strategies of the world's two
most populous nations.  We will occasionally offer several articles
organized around a common theme in future issues of ITID as well.

Finally, our special thanks and gratitude go to our eminent Advisory and
Editorial Boards who have already proven themselves to be essential
partners in this enterprise.  In that vein we invite all our readers to
get involved with us and participate in growing and nurturing this new
Journal. Please do contact us on [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your comments,
your suggestions, and your offers to help build a truly global community
of people who care about development and ICT.

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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