Hello David,

The one manual I can immediately think of is the Handbook for Telecenter
staff that can be found at:

Barbara Fillip
Knowledge for Development, LLC

David Babington-smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a good source for finding free manuals and training
> materials for ICT training centres? We are a non-profit programme
> looking to resource our partners around the world (mainly small
> charities teaching IT to street kids and the disadvantaged). The ideal
> types of manuals we are looking for are:
> - Start up manual (how to set up an ICT, tips on legal, staffing,
> technical issues etc)
> - Co-ordinator's manual - how to run an ICT centre
> - Technicians manual - basics of looking after an ICT centre with
> computers, printers, software etc
> - Teachers training manual / course - not necessarily a technical course
> in MS Office, but more the softer skills of using IT in the classroom

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