Dear GKD Members,

I agree with much of what Stella Hughes has said with regard to scaling
up. However, we must not forget that communication for development is a
social process, and the technology is only a tool, a means to reach the
objective of increasing participation, sharing information, knowledge
and skills and improving the quality of life of people in developing
countries. What is important is the process... Discussions on the
potential of ICTs for development often concentrate only on the

Also, the past decades of experience in communication for development,
making use of many different media, have provided much experience and
lessons learned, as well as guiding principles and knowledge of critical
factors for success. All this experience should not be forgotten when
planning for the future of ICTs in development.

I agree with Stella that one has to strive for support and committment
at different levels, from communities as well as policy makers. However,
I believe that one of the essentials for sustainability and scaling up
will also be capacity building and the training of a sufficient critical
mass of communication specialists as brokers/mediators and facilitators
to assist with the use of ICTs, especially with illiterate rural

Silvia Balit

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