On June 7, 2004, "Global Knowledge Dev. Moderator" wrote:

> 3. What role should ICT training programs play in developing countries?
> Can ICT-based training take the place of teachers and the social
> environment of classrooms?

In situations of dire shortage of teachers, their replacement is
unthinkable. This is the situation for schools in rural Nigeria. There
is significant improvement in ICT4D activities, many of it actively
encouraged/catalyzed by the Nigerian Government and some impressive
statistics are available showing the impact. But these statistics are
not desegregated to show what the situation is in rural communities. For
some of these communities, primary and secondary education has actually
regressed. ICT provides a tool that can be harnessed to address this
isolation and neglect of rural schools. Teachers undergoing "training of
trainers" ICT programs, and more involvement of civil society in
initiating and providing resources to augment what comes from the
Government, are all possible strategies worth being given a

John Dada
Kafanchan, Nigeria

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