Dear GKD Members,

The future of technology is exciting: online "face-to-face" courses with
simultaneous translation; virtual reality training offering real-world
experience; tiny hand-held devices providing just-in-time job mentoring
from top experts. It is easy to imagine inspiring possibilities. Yet how
much of this will actually be available to professionals in developing
countries? And is this where our training investments should go?

This week we explore the cutting edge of technology for professional
development and what it means for the future. Technology R&D investment
for developing countries is limited and many promising new technologies
flounder for lack of support. At the same time, there is much hype about
what new technologies can deliver. We need to understand where the
technology trends are going, and assess them carefully in light of our
concrete experience with the needs and resources of developing


1) What are the most innovative, cutting edge ICT-related practices
currently used for professional development in developing countries?

2) Can technology innovations revolutionize professional training for
developing countries? What is needed to make it happen?

3) What new technologies will significantly improve and expand
professional development? What will it cost to develop these
technologies -- and is it worth the cost?

4) What do cognitive and pedagogical sciences tell us about using these
technologies effectively?

5) Where are the pitfalls in using these new ICTs in developing

6) How do we want to be using ICTs 3 years from now? Where is the line
between hype and reality?

7) How can GKD members be effective advocates for reaching these goals?

We look forward to your insights regarding these questions, based on
your concrete experience with professional development in developing

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Agreement, and hosted by GKD. provides
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