Dear Pamela,

I see your effort to summarize possible answers and alternatives for the
Nigerian farmer given language barriers. However, I do want to point out
that one of the most analytical and complete replies that included both
an analysis of the problem and a description of several down-to-earth
alternatives for our friend from Nigeria was, I think, the one from Dr.
Arrigo della Gherardesca, so I strongly suggest that you include the
questions he raises such as:

* Can he share the tractor with other farmers?
* Can he rent one or have a cooperative own it?

I wish we had that Village Evolution data base in Spanish for Mexican
rural villages. We have over 3200 public telecenters with scattered
information for poor rural or urban people with poor Internet
connections. Maybe Dr. della Gherardesca would like to elaborate on how
his system would work in villages with PCs, but no Internet connection?
Would it help push towards establishing the connection, or would it slow
the process towards connectivity, and how can it be acquired or
distributed in countries in Latin America. Is it useful both for NGO's
and government kiosks or even for private rural cyber-cafes, which in
Mexico have proliferated?

Pamela, good luck and hope the group members keep helping each other!

Best regards,

Adriana Labardini

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