On 1/21/05, "Scott Kleinberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If there are no sources of used machinery, perhaps he could lease
> something -- using the funds he has to pay the lease for a specified
> time -- with an option to buy later at a specified price.  Often you may
> be able to apply some of the leasing funds to the purchase price. It may
> not be what he wants, but it may be what's available.

Just to let you know, India has very recently licensed the manufacture
of an indigenously designed small tractor. I need to do some research to
locate the details, but the design has been partly sponsored by the
Department of Science and Technology through its entrepreneurship
program (TePP). The machine is specifically meant for affordability -
small holdings are the norm in India, and such farmers have either been
left out of the development matrix or beggar themselves trying to hook
into 'shared resource' mechanisation (tragically, nature refuses to
cooperate with such well conceived schemes, and cussedly, all the
farmers in an area need to plow just about the same day).

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