Hi Gideon,
very good initiative! Does the QR code show the Wikipedia W? This would
spur its use, as people would see immediately who is responsible for the
content. look here to illustrate what I mean:

kindly bfisch

Barbara Fischer
Kuratorin für Kulturpartnerschaften
via Twitter: @fischerdata

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2018-02-10 12:42 GMT+01:00 Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com>:

> Kaya
> I like to announce the development of a new QR code creator.  The original
> idea for the upgrade came from Wikimedia Australia and its work with
> Toodyay WikiTown project.
> Wikimedia Australia has setup out to create two new independent resources
> for the Qrpedia project with the support of Wikimedia UK who first
> developed the QRpedia concept back 2011 and presented it to the community
> in 2012.
> The two concepts are;
>    - a new qr code creator that uses the stable Wikidata item url.
>    - the reason for for this was to firstly avoid what turned out to be a
>       costly exercise for Toodyay when some articles were renamed in a couple 
> of
>       instances just breaking the qr link to wikipedia, in another instance
>       sending the reader to an unrelated article
>       - this also gives us the opportunity to link directly to the other
>       projects
>       - and connect all of that in a two way exchange of knowledge with
>       the numerous 3rd GLAM's through their unique identifiers
>    - the concept is now to create a qr reader thats based within the
>    Wikimedia Foundation family
>       - this first and foremost will ensure that our readers aren't being
>       directed to third party services that capture user data, and use it to 
> spam
>       them with usual set internet advertising, scams, and phishing
>          - a feature that is significant to GLAMs, Education
>          institutions, and ourselves
>       - this reader will enable user to connect with all of our
>       information whether be Wikipedia articles, Quotes, diaries &
>       journals(Wikisource), or Wikivoyage and its itineraries.
>       - I think there is also the potential for Education/Wikiversity to
>       develop learning programs connecting real life observations to WMF 
> content.
>       - For GLAMs it'll be able to provide a safe reliable way for links
>       to and from their collections
>       - all of this within a multi lingual environment free from
>       advertising
> I'd like to thank Dave for his efforts in turning a discussion at a Perth
> meetup  into reality.  I also acknowledge the WMF & WMAU for supporting me
> on a detour post WMCONF 2017 to discuss the concept with the WMUK and the
> some of the people involved in the development of the original project,
> those discussion were invaluable getting to this point.
> I looked forward to the next part of the project and hope that people will
> come forward with suggestions, requests, and help so that as a community we
> take an even bigger step in sharing the sum of all knowledge
> Regards
> Gideon Digby(Gnangarra)
> Vice President Wikimedia Australia
> Noongarpedia: https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/nys/Main_Page
> WMAU: http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/User:Gnangarra
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Meta <w...@wikimedia.org>
> Date: 10 February 2018 at 17:43
> Subject: Meta email from user "Evad37" - Free Knowledge Portal
> To: Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com>
> Hi, can you please forward the following to Wikimedia-l and other places of
> interest, per our discussion this afternoon.
> Thanks, David (User:Evad37)
> ---------------
> New tool "The Free Knowledge Portal"
> Hi all,
> I've created a new tool, The Free Knowledge Portal,[0] that is a solution
> to
> the Community Wishlist Survey proposal "Qr codes for all items".[1]
> The basic idea is to provide stable urls that showcase a Wikidata item's
> sitelinks, and related items.
> The tool also lets you generate QR codes that link to those urls, and so is
> like a successor to QRpedia: proving easy access our projects' pages via QR
> codes, but for all Wikimedia projects, not just Wikipedia.
> And it is multi-lingual - it will detect the device language and serve
> sitelinks for that language (i.e. enwiki if the langauge is English,
> frwiki if
> the language is French, etc).
> Also, it designed to be backwards-compatible with existing QRpedia codes,
> by
> using a page title and site to determine the relevant Wikidata item id.
> (But
> of course its up to the QRpedia people to redirect the codes to these urls)
> Examples:
> *Boston (Q100), using your devices language:
> ** https://tools.wmflabs.org/portal/Q100
> *Boston (Q100), using French:
> ** https://tools.wmflabs.org/portal/Q100/fr
> *Boston (Q100), using Spanish:
> ** https://tools.wmflabs.org/portal/Q100/es
> *Backwards-compatible url for Boston on English Wikipedia
> ** https://tools.wmflabs.org/portal/?title=Boston&site=enwiki
> The following features already work:
> *QR code generator
> *Portal page with
> **Item label
> **Item description
> **Wikimedia sitelinks
> **Related items (from 'What links here')
> **Neary items (if the item has coordinates)
> I'm also planning to show links to external identifiers, if the item has
> any.
> Another feature that would be nice would be to keep a record page visits,
> which could then be visualised into graphs and the like. I'm not entirely
> sure how this should be done, so any advice or help people could offer
> would
> be appreciated.
> (I'm thinking of making a mysql table with just a couple of
> columns for item id and date-timestamp of visit, where each visit would be
> recorded in a row. Then you could get page visits by doing a query that
> counts the number of rows with a matching item and a date-timestamp within
> a given range.)
> I could also use some help with i18n/translations (what I've got at the
> moment
> has come from Wikidata labels and Google translate, which is far from
> ideal)
> Anyway, suggestion, other feedback, and code patches would be appreciated:
> either directly on Github[2], or on the Meta page which I've just recently
> created.[3]
> Cheers, David (User:Evad37)
> -- Links --
> [0] https://tools.wmflabs.org/portal
> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/2017_Community_Wishlist_Surv
> ey/Wikidata/Qr_codes_for_all_items
> [2] https://github.com/evad37/wm-portal
> [3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Free_Knowledge_Portal
> --
> This email was sent by Evad37 to Gnangarra by the "Email this user"
> function at Meta. If you reply to this email, your email will be sent
> directly to the original sender, revealing your email address to them.
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