Hi Oleg, I like the polymorphic list indexed by Ints... there
do seem to be a couple of differences between this and the list
indexed by natural numbers.

The list indexed by integers cannot determine the type of the
return value through induction on the class... in other words 
it cannot determine the return type of the lookup function
until runtime: you can see this in the class instance for 'tke'

> instance (TH a (a,b), TH W b) => TH W (a,b) where
>     tke (W 0) th@(h,t) f = f h th
>     tke (W n) (h,t) f = tke (W$ n-1) t f

On the other hand indexing by natural numbers allows the compiler
to know the return type (and avoid the use of existentials)
because it is determined at compile time... you can see this because
the recursion termination is done by the type signatures in the instance
not the pattern guards of the function.

instance Relation r => RIndex Zero (a `RCons` r) a where
   rIndex Zero (x `RCons` _) = x
instance RIndex Idx r b => RIndex Idx (a `RCons` r) b where
   rIndex (Suc n) (_ `RCons` xs) = rIndex n xs

It looks like most of this stuff has been done before... but I don't think
there is any of it in the ghc libraries. I needed this code for a real
application, and could not find anything suitable so I rolled my own.

What do people think - is there a case for getting this stuff in the libs,
should we write a functional pearl? does anyone have any comments about
the code I posted, or how it could be improved?

To finish, here are some new definitions for map,zip and unzip

class Relation r => RMap t r where
   rMap :: t -> r -> r
instance RMap t RNil where
   rMap _ RNil = RNil
instance (RMapFn t a,RMap t r) => RMap t (a `RCons` r) where
   rMap t (x `RCons` xs) = rMapFn t x `RCons` rMap t xs

class RMapFn t a where
   rMapFn :: t -> a -> a

data RMapId = RMapId
instance RMapFn RMapId a where
   rMapFn RMapId a = a

class (Relation r1,Relation r2,Relation r3) => RZip r1 r2 r3 | r1 r2 -> r3 where
   rZip :: r1 -> r2 -> r3
instance RZip RNil RNil RNil where
   rZip _ _ = RNil
instance RZip r1 r2 r3 => RZip (a `RCons` r1) (b `RCons` r2) ((a,b) `RCons` r3) where
   rZip (x `RCons` xs) (y `RCons` ys) = (x,y) `RCons` rZip xs ys

class (Relation r1,Relation r2,Relation r3) => RUnZip r1 r2 r3 | r1 -> r2 r3 where
   rUnZip :: r1 -> (r2,r3)
instance RUnZip RNil RNil RNil where
   rUnZip _ = (RNil,RNil)
instance RUnZip r1 r2 r3 => RUnZip ((a,b) `RCons` r1) (a `RCons` r2) (b `RCons` r3) 
   rUnZip ((x,y) `RCons` xys) = (x `RCons` xs,y `RCons` ys) where
      (xs,ys) = rUnZip xys

and finally a lookup that indexes by the left type of a pair and returns the right 
type & value
stored in a polymorphic list:

class Relation r => RLookup r l v | r l -> v where
   rLookup :: r -> l -> v
instance Relation r => RLookup ((l,v) `RCons` r) l v where
   rLookup ((_,v) `RCons` _) _ = v
instance RLookup r l v => RLookup ((l',v') `RCons` r) l v where
   rLookup (_ `RCons` r) l = rLookup r l

        Keean Schupke.
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