On 28/08/2009 10:05, Simon Marlow wrote:
On 27/08/2009 11:37, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:
Simon Marlow wrote:
Simon Marlow wrote:

I suggest if we stick with the independent repo approach that we
have some automation to check that changes are indeed getting
pushed upstream.
[snip unhelpful suggestion from me]

Yes, it tells you that you've screwed up, rather than telling you
that you're about to screw up, which would be much more convenient.
After you've screwed up it might be too late to fix it, due to
conflicts with upstream.

Can you arrange that the only way that patches can get into the branch
is via darcs pull --intersection<upstream repo> ?

That's an interesting idea, I'd forgotten about --intersection.

I have a script that works as a prehook (below). Unfortunately it doesn't work on darcs.haskell.org, I think because we only have darcs 1.0.9 there, and it is ignoring my prehook.

Can anyone think of a good reason not to upgrade darcs to 2.3.0 on darcs.haskell.org? I can think of 3 reasons to do so:

 - this script, for preventing accidental divergence from upstream
 - faster pushes, due to transfer-mode
 - hide those annoying "Ignore-this: xxxxx" messages


#!/bin/sh -e

# checkupstream.sh

# Only allow applying of patches that are also in this upstream repository:


# Take $DARCS_PATCHES_XML and turn it into a list of patch hashes
# suitable for looping over.
hashes=`echo $DARCS_PATCHES_XML | sed 's|</patch>|</patch>\n|g' | sed -n '/hash/p' | sed "s|^.*hash='\([^']*\)'.*$|\1|"`

# echo hashes: $hashes

# For each patch, try pulling the patch from the upstream repo.  If
# the patch is not upstream, then fail.
for p in $hashes; do
if darcs pull --match="hash $p" $UPSTREAM --xml --dry-run | grep "$p" >/dev/null; then
      echo "Patch $p is upstream; ok"
      echo "Patch $p is not upstream!"
      exit 1

exit 0
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