On Thu, 2011-11-03 at 12:18 +0100, Marcos Mourinho wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to use Glom for a database at my work under Ubuntu 11.10
> with gnome shell.
> This Ubuntu's language is Spanish from Spain.
> So, what goes wrong is:
>      1. Inserting data into date field should be done in this format :
>         dd/mm/yy, but it can only be done if month and day values are
>         less than or equal to 12. Otherway it shows a bad format error
>         or just leaves the box empty.
>      2. If i insert an accectable date like 03/11/2011 (3rd of
>         November), as soon as i change to list view it is changed
>         automatically to 11/03/2011 and recognized by the system as
>         11th of March.
> I'm using Glom 1.18.3 form Ubuntu's repository.

(Summary: It will be fixed in Glom 1.18.7 and in Glom 1.20.)

I guess that you see this when you start Glom from the command line:

ERROR: sanity_check_date_text_represenation_uses_4_digit_year(): Falló
la comprobación de salud. Parece que Glom no usa 4 dígitos para mostrar
los años en una representación en texto de la fecha, en esta
configuración regional. Usando el valor predeterminado dd/mm/yyyy aunque
pueda ser incorrecto para su configuración regional. Esto necesita la
atención de un traductor. Rellene un informe de error; consulte
Glom: ERROR: Date parsing sanity checks failed. Glom will not display
dates correctly or interpret entered dates correctly. This needs
attention from a translator. Please file a bug. See http://www.glom.org.

When the regular locale does not provide a 4-digit date format, and the
language's translator has not provided a date format, Glom falls back to
the US date format.

I have corrected this in git master (for Glom 1.20):
and in the Glom 1.18 branch:

I last made this same correction in 2009:
but that change must have been lost at some point. I have CCed the
translator so that he knows to watch out for it.

It is not surprising that these corrections get overwritten sometimes.
Checking for this before each release is awkward, but I've enabled that
anyway in master to stop it from happening again:
and the glom 1.18 branch:

> I already tried to solve it using translations and changing the main
> language from the translation menu but without success.

The Glom-specific translations system has nothing to do with the regular


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