On 03/01/2012 11:51 AM, Murray Cumming wrote:
On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 22:52 +0100, Alaney Dória wrote:
 From what I've being studding glom code, we could provide an interface
for table events like:

OnNewRecord / OnFieldUpdate / OnFillDatabase .
There are probably already appropriate places to respond to these user
events, though I'd have to check and make that clearer.

Those events can be introduced in Box_Data_Details and Box_Data_List
methods. Thought I still need to understand how is supported the running
custom python script, so some hint would be very appreciated. For each
table we would have the flowing on xml:

<event name="event_name" onevent="event">python script</event>

I would like to navigate more through this, so I would like to know the
best way to tackle this in terms of programming. My first Idea is to
make callbacks available on methods such
Box_Data_Details::fill_from_database. this is also a first step for
supporting notifications in future.
I think we should first clarify what this should achieve, as we are
doing in this bug report:

Sorry for not answering this before. I do not check this mailing list
often enough. I will try to be better.

Ok, lets clarify, there is a main difference between notification agents, and events Events will be associated to user interface events that a programmer can use for execution of custom code. The notification is related to the data himself, when data have certain value.

The working model also would be different, the events will only be trigged when for example, a new row is inserted, on field update, and others. Notification agents would work for the table tracking changes. What you think?
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