Hi Murray,

all linked records do show up in the related list. What I try to
figure out is how to link another, already existing record from the
other table (I'm looking for something like the "Find" button I see
when displaying a foreign-key field from a table).

Maybe I'm missing something?

Just in case you want to have a look to the xml:

Thank you for your time.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 11:25, Murray Cumming <murr...@murrayc.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 11:11 +0200, Michael Jenny wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> playing with an trivial 1:n relation (Foreign-Key is on n-side table).
>> On the 1 side I have a related list widget that allows me to view
>> related records from the n-side table (and create new, linked entries
>> there).
>> But I can't figure out how to connect an existing record from the
>> n-side within the related list widget.
>> Is this possible?
> If the values in the two fields in the two records match then the record
> should show up. Maybe you would like to attach your .glom file so I can
> take a look.
> --
> Murray Cumming
> murr...@murrayc.com
> www.murrayc.com
> www.openismus.com
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