Le Thu, 8 Sep 2016 12:24:02 +0200 (CEST)
Alexandre Delaunay <adelau...@teclib.com> a écrit:

>Thanks for your message and suggestions.
>I really appreciate.
>For most of theses points, i agree.
>- For systematic PR, we could add this process quickly. It concerns a
>few developers (mainly me, but also Walid, Yllen & Remi). We pushed
>directly to master for convenience. Also, number of external
>contributions for fixes issues are not very common. We could add this
>process after 9.1 release. It will be more easy and you need only a
>few weeks to wait.

Ok, not really see why wait but why not :p

>- For pull requests linked to issues, it's already the case, most of
>the time (you'll certainly find some existing exceptions).
>   All features was never pushed directly to master (only bugfixes),
> and for major ones, issues existed months before work started. Some
> with specs, other not, i agree we could enhance this part. I recently
> add new feature issues i'd like to see in the the next release. See
> "candidate for next version" milestone. It's not a freezed list.


>- For code review, i could agree, if we had more implications. At the
>moment, existing issues and pr are most of the time
>read/reviewed/fixed only by me and yllen. So we will not wait a review
>for weeks/months (days is acceptable). The main problem actually is
>the issue management. You couldn't ask for more reviews if only a few
>developers actually do the job. If we have more reviews, i don't have
>any objections to add this process.

Like we are all in IRC, a dev push a Pull Request can ping another dev
to review the code ;)

>- Ok for unit tests and travis. It's a rather recent topic, so we
>couldn't do it previously, but your suggestion is the next step, so ok.
>- For RC releases, i disagree, we had (for this release by the way) a
>lot of feedback. I appreciated this fact. I did mistakes for last
>ones. I apologize for that. I'll make more efforts to avoid futures
>errors. It's not an excuse, but exhaustion is the main reason.

You're right :p

>For CS mentioned by jcwi, i don't have a definite opinion.
>Change rules to PSR should be a good point but it's a big work.

I'm agree with jcwi, it's a big work but it's more simple to check code
style. At the end, we win in readable code and perhaps too more simple
for external contributions

>For git flow, same, if we have a consensus on this tool, ok.
>I personally think it's a bit complex.

Yes it's complex, in most cases, people use part of it

>On the past year, your opinions are also welcome.
>I think we missed things but we also added some good enhancements.
>My first objective is the enhancement of the projet for all (dev and

Like all of us ;)



>----- Mail original -----
>> De: "Johan Cwiklinski" <jcwiklin...@teclib.com>
>> À: "Liste de diffusion des developpeurs GLPI" <glpi-dev@gna.org>
>> Envoyé: Jeudi 8 Septembre 2016 11:17:45
>> Objet: Re: [Glpi-dev] Modify coding methods to enhance code quality
>> Hello,
>> > I propose new coding methods to enhance GLPI (better code, have
>> > tests, so less bugs):
>> > [...]  
>> Two points I'd like to talk about :)
>> 1-
>> And what about a clear GIT worflow?
>> For some projects, I've already used git-flow
>> (http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/); mainly
>> because 1/ it suits my needs, and 2/ it comes with a git extension
>> that makes things (really much) simple.
>> Maybe this one would no fit GLPI's needs in terms of worflow (mainly
>> because it does not handle long term support branches - ie. only one
>> stable version could be maintained); but I guess we should adopt at
>> least some workflow rules.
>> 2-
>> Coding standards has not been mentionned yet (if I remember well);
>> but their respects could be added to the "contribution guide".
>> Standardized code is more simple to read, understand and use :)
>> Unfortunately, the rules that have been used until now are very
>> specific (it is not PSR1, and even less PSR2, nor any existing
>> standard provided with phpcs as fas as I can see). To automate CS
>> checks, we'll have to either:
>> - write a specfifc ruleset that suits our needs (a quite big
>> specific work),
>> - or change them to use something existing, that we could adapt for
>> our needs finally (forcing all functions or methods to be correctly
>> documented for example). That would be a quite big job as well, but
>> less specific for instance.
>> Actual coding standards are documented here:
>> https://forge.glpi-project.org/projects/glpi/wiki/CodingStandards
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Johan
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