Hello Gluster Ants!

Thanks for all the slogan suggestions that you've provided. I've made an
etherpad page which collected them all, along with some additional
suggestions made by Red Hat's Brand team:


Feel free to discuss them (either here or on the etherpad). If you like
a particular slogan, feel free to put a + next to it on the etherpad.

Before we can pick a new slogan, it needs to be cleared by Red Hat
Legal, this is a small formality to make sure that we're not infringing
someone else's trademark or doing anything that would cause Red Hat
undue risk. We don't want to waste their time by having them clear every
possible suggestion, so your feedback is very helpful to allow us to
narrow down the list. At the end of the day, barring legal clearance,
the slogan selection is up to the community.



Red Hat
Gluster-devel mailing list

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