I liked:

Gluster: Redefine storage.
Gluster: Software-Defined Storage. Redefined
Gluster: RAID G
Gluster: RAISE (redundant array of inexpensive storage equipment)
Gluster: Software {re}defined storage+

And suggested:

Gluster {DS|FS|RAISE|RAIDG}: Software Defined Storage Redefined(some
combination of lines 38-42)

My thinking is:

<Our new name GlusterDS/whatever>: <Tagline with excitement>

Gluster * - This is the change gluster fs to gluster ds idea we were
discussing this already.  Maybe we could even come up with a
longer acronym, like RAIDG or RAISE or something more definitive of what we
are?  I think instead of jsut using Gluster: we come up with the new way to
refer to glusterFS and use this as a way to push that as well.

Tagline - Whatever cool saying that get people excited to check out
glusterDS/glusterRAIDG/ whatever

So ex:

Gluster RAISE: Software Defined Storage Redifined
Gluster DS: Software defined storage defined your way
Gluster RAIDG: Storage from the ground up

Just my $0.02


On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Tom Callaway <tcall...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello Gluster Ants!
> Thanks for all the slogan suggestions that you've provided. I've made an
> etherpad page which collected them all, along with some additional
> suggestions made by Red Hat's Brand team:
> https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-slogans
> Feel free to discuss them (either here or on the etherpad). If you like
> a particular slogan, feel free to put a + next to it on the etherpad.
> Before we can pick a new slogan, it needs to be cleared by Red Hat
> Legal, this is a small formality to make sure that we're not infringing
> someone else's trademark or doing anything that would cause Red Hat
> undue risk. We don't want to waste their time by having them clear every
> possible suggestion, so your feedback is very helpful to allow us to
> narrow down the list. At the end of the day, barring legal clearance,
> the slogan selection is up to the community.
> Thanks!
> ~tom
> ==
> Red Hat
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