That is one scenario that is often stated.  The other, is to make the
message return to the inbox; though solutions have been given for that

One option that I don't recall if it's been suggested, for the other
address option I just thought of was to make another GMail account, and
have it POP the messages out of your account.  These messages would also
come from the Sent folder, catching everything sent, and go straight to the
inbox view of that account.

I've also heard the desire for two users to know that the other had already
responded to an e-mail both had received.  With conversation view turned
on, this should be obvious, and having two different accounts POP from each
other (or some group in round-robin fashion) should have the same effect.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Kenneth Ayers <>wrote:

> Everytime I see the issue raised about automatically CCing yourself for
> emails you send, I wonder why the copies in the Sent Mail label aren't good
> enough.  I guess people are wanting to CC themselves at a different email
> address than the one they're sending from?
> On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 11:15 PM, JustWard <>wrote:
>> I am surprised that this forum has persisted for so long.
>> I also want the auto bcc feature in Gmail. My business is small and I
>> have a Outlook email address but it has personal emails.
>> I wish to allow 2 employees to receive and send emails when I am away but
>> I want to avoid an email being sent and then permanently deleted from
>> Gmail. While they could still do this with a temporary change of settings,
>> they do not have the skills to do so. It is more likely they will forget to
>> do the manual bcc.
>> They are trustworthy, so I will instruct them to use a manual bbc, but an
>> auto bcc would have been useful.
>> I will look at Google Apps business (Gmail being intended for personal
>> use), but this just seems like an added hassle for a small personal
>> business.
>> On Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:59:13 AM UTC+2, Jeff Grossman wrote:
>>> We can't change the Google code though.  So, currently there is no way
>>> to auto bcc with the web client.  It is possible with a third party client.
>>>  So, Zac or anybody in this forum are not able to assist you with what you
>>> want because it is not possible.  The only thing that can be recommended is
>>> for you to give Google your feedback and maybe they will change it.  Yes,
>>> this is a very helpful forum to help with what their (Google's) current web
>>> client is capable of doing.
>>> If you want actual Google support you will need to purchase their Google
>>> Apps product.
>>> Jeff
>>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:43 PM, David Donaldson <>wrote:
>>>> Got it. Sure sounded to me like he was "in charge", didn't it?
>>>> He can still get behind it though, instead of challenging everyone with
>>>> "well why in the world would you want to do that?"
>>>> I really didn't want to make this about personality, but I do recognize
>>>> terminal ideology when I see it.
>>>> Case in point...
>>>> I used to have a tech that worked for me that often said..."well I
>>>> never saw that before" saying the technology wasn't possible. Sure he
>>>> didn't, until he worked in my lab. That's what we did. We invented
>>>> solutions that didn't exist.
>>>> Then, to keep his job he had to get behind it. So he did. Thirty-eight
>>>> months later we had developed 37 new products.
>>>> Life ain't about getting in the way. It's about solving problems. And
>>>> of the 50 or so posts in this thread, Zac comprised 20 or more - all
>>>> negative.
>>>> And here I am, looking around for help. If I wanted commentary on why
>>>> you can't or shouldn't, I'd call my old tech. Twenty-five months of BS -
>>>> all of which I had to read through just to learn there isn't any way to
>>>> auto bcc. So this is a User Support Forum? This is support?
>>>> Thanks for your guidance,
>>>> dave...
>>>> ------------------------------**-------------------------
>>>> "Everything will be alright in the end.  If its not, then it's not the
>>>> end."  -  Unknown
>>>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:56 PM, Jeff Grossman <>wrote:
>>>>> Why does Zac need to get behind this?  He is a user of Gmail just like
>>>>> you are.  If you want Google to change something then you need to send
>>>>> Google feedback about changing it.  Zac and everybody else here are users.
>>>>>  This is a user to user support forum.
>>>>> Jeff
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:33 AM, David Donaldson <>wrote:
>>>>>> You know Zac, I got to this group by googling "how to auto bcc in
>>>>>> gmail".
>>>>>> And I see this topic was launched back in February of 2011. It's now
>>>>>> March of 2013.
>>>>>> In all that time, all you've done is post things like "why would you
>>>>>> want to do that?", and to make claims that other mail hosts don't offer
>>>>>> that feature.
>>>>>> Frankly, I don't see your input to this thread as being helpful in
>>>>>> any way.
>>>>>> The truth is...yes, many other mail hosts offer auto bcc, and so
>>>>>> should gmail. The truth is...yes lots of us *really *need this
>>>>>> feature as an important business process.  The truth is...we need you to
>>>>>> get behind this instead of in front of it.  You know, to give it a little
>>>>>> push.  Of course, I don't see this in *your* modus operandi at all.
>>>>>> Further, I suggest you consider championing the cause, because you
>>>>>> clearly have no viable answer yourself and if fact have dozens of posts
>>>>>> here spanning *25 months *telling people in need of an auto bcc
>>>>>> feature how they can do it some other way, or worse yet, querying them
>>>>>> repeatedly on why they need it and arguing your points as if that's your
>>>>>> cause in life.
>>>>>> Your job isn't to find out why I need something and then try to smack
>>>>>> it down. That's for sure.
>>>>>> But I will tell you why I need auto bcc - *because I do.*
>>>>>> I am an IT consultant, and have been one for...well let's just say
>>>>>> for more than 25 years.
>>>>>> I have a client using gmail with a managed office of 8 worker-bees
>>>>>> who receive and reply to emails all day long.
>>>>>> And their mail traffic needs to be monitored and managed by the
>>>>>> office manager to make sure those worker-bees are doing their job
>>>>>> correctly, and to make sure they responded appropriately and offer
>>>>>> correction if not.
>>>>>> Filters will forward all incoming mail, and that's what we do. But we
>>>>>> don't see the replies and outgoing mail no matter what we try.
>>>>>> So you see, it's actually both a training and legal issue here. And
>>>>>> what I'm seeing from this thread, is that you see no reason why this 
>>>>>> might
>>>>>> be important.
>>>>>> Well it is to my clients. And from what I read here, it seems to be
>>>>>> pretty important to a lot of other folks too.
>>>>>> That's it.
>>>>>> So tell me now, what do you think I should do?
>>>>>> I think I might just see some merit in your idea of moving this
>>>>>> business elsewhere, to a mail provider that does offer auto bcc.
>>>>>> I wonder how Google feels about that. Maybe you could let them know.
>>>>>> dave...
>>>>>> On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:56:04 PM UTC-5, Zack Tennant wrote:
>>>>>>>  Chris,
>>>>>>> Probably because it's not as common as you think.  Many for-pay
>>>>>>> services and programs don't have the feature.  If enough people suggest 
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> on the help page, it's likely to happen.  I've seen plenty of things
>>>>>>> implemented that I didn't think were good or common features, but people
>>>>>>> suggested.  I've seen features I'd like, passed over, cause enough 
>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>> didn't want it.
>>>>>>> If it's important enough to you, make sure to suggest it every day,
>>>>>>> and gather other supporters (like other readers of this forum).  In the
>>>>>>> meantime, look around.  There are plenty of services and programs out
>>>>>>> there, perhaps one of them better suits your needs.  Perhaps some
>>>>>>> combination of these meets your needs best.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Chris Gassel <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Here is why my company needs an auto-BCC.  We use Insightly for our
>>>>>>>> CRM and in order to easily save all of our emails to the database, we 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> to send our emails to an email address provided by Insightly.  There 
>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>> great email widget, but people don't want to click "Save to
>>>>>>>> Insightly" every time   If we had the auto-BCC feature, we could put 
>>>>>>>> all of
>>>>>>>> our unique email address's given to us from Insightly and never have to
>>>>>>>> worry about saving an email again or adding that email address to every
>>>>>>>> email.
>>>>>>>> Not sure why Google finds such a common feature so hard to add.
>>>>>>>>  Lots of people clearly want this ability so why not give it to them?
>>>>>>>> --
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