> On 10 Oct 2017, at 18:54, phillip mobley <phillipmobl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Christophe,
> thank you for taking the time to send a response.
> My suspicion was correct then. As much as I would like to use GMSH as a 
> library, I am not so sure it is the best idea for a user experience. I am 
> creating this project as open source and I would like anyone to be able to 
> compile and install the program with ease. I am not sure the skill level of 
> the users who will use my program. For all I know, they could exclusively be 
> familiar with GUI based simulators. Additional libraries to compile could be 
> challenging to them. 
> With that in mind, I do not think that using GMSH as a library is the better 
> option. Including the sources in with the main program though would be better.
> Could you explain a little bit by what you mean that the " API will not 
> expose any of the internal C++ classes that the algorithms use"? I am 
> confused by this statement. The source would need to expose all of the 
> classes that the program/algorithm uses or how would someone be able to 
> compile the source?

We will expose a simple API to perform the high-level tasks that a mesh 
generator with an integrated CAD engine and post-processor does. See 
https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/issues/188 for some initial thoughts about 

Typically, the API will allow you to do in C everything that you can currently 
do in a .geo file, and then more. The C API could of course then be wrapped in 
Python, Java or whatever.


> I don't need to add in everything since I am dealing with only 2D meshes. 
> Specifically quads. I am commenting out the functionality for the 3D meshes 
> and ignoring those cases. For example, in some functions there are 
> case-switch statements that are deal with 3D meshes. I am commenting those 
> out as I do not need them.
> Once I get something built and working, I would step through the code line by 
> line in order to further refine what I don't need.
> I do hope though that the documentation of the source will come sooner rather 
> then later.
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Christophe Geuzaine <cgeuza...@ulg.ac.be> 
> wrote:
> > On 8 Oct 2017, at 04:35, phillip mobley <phillipmobl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am attmepting to extract the code from the GMSH API that will be able to 
> > create a 2D mesh. After looking through the code for a couple of days now, 
> > I have a question about how the code is structed.
> >
> > So far, I have been commenting out the sections that deal with 3D. For 
> > instance, removing any headers that include the SPoint3.h becuase I ma only 
> > dealing with 2D.
> I wouldn't do that. "2D" meshes in Gmsh are also generated on general (3D) 
> surfaces.
> >
> > However, I have been getting the impression that the 2D case utilizes some 
> > of the 3D data structures. At first, I thought that the data structures for 
> > 2D are seperate from the 3D data structures. As in, if I wanted to mesh in 
> > 2D, then I would only be worried about the data structures related to 2D 
> > meshing (such as SPoint2.h). After examining the code for a bit though, I 
> > am worried that this may not be the case. I am starting to get the feeling 
> > that the data structures for the 3D (ex. SPoint3.h and SVector3.h) are also 
> > used in the 2D meshing execpt, the z value is set to 0 (or another constant 
> > number if the surface that the created mesh is on is an extruded surface).
> >
> > My question to the community or whoso ever may be able to answer is, does 
> > GMSH utilize the data structures for 3D in a 2D meshing case? Even if the 
> > mesh will always be in the x-y plane?
> Yes.
> As a general rule, with the current version of Gmsh I would only advise to 
> use it as a library if you really need to, as there is no documented API. A 
> stable API for programmers will be made available in the future (our goal is 
> Gmsh 4.0); and this API will not expose any of the internal C++ classes that 
> the algorithms use.
> Christophe
> > Or, does a 3D mesh exclusively use the 3D data structures (ex. SPoint3.h) 
> > and a 2D mesh exclusivly uses the 2D data structures (ex. SPoint2)?
> >
> > Let me give another example to hopefully explain what I am asking. If you 
> > look at the SOrientedBoundingBox.h (and corresponding .cpp file), there is 
> > a class called SOrientedBoundingBox. The constructor for this class takes 
> > the SVector3 class. In the GEntity class, there is an instance of the 
> > SOrientedBoundaingBox. The constructor for the GEntity class even calls the 
> > contructor of the SOrientedBoundingBox object. Since the 
> > SOrientedBoundingBox class uses the SVector3 data type, I conclude that 
> > this class is used when you need to create a 3D mesh. However, I am 
> > creating a 2D mesh. Will there every be a case that the 2D mesher calls or 
> > utilizes the SOrientedBoundingBox. Or, would the 2D mesher utilize the 
> > SOrientedBoundingRectangle class?
> >
> > Also, as a bonus question, what is the purpose of the 
> > SOrientedBoundingRectangle/SOrientedBoundingBox? Is this used for meshing 
> > or is this mainly used in the GUI? How are these classes and what are their 
> > purpose? I
> >
> > I will give a third example, in the GEdge class, there is a variable called 
> > _normals. This is a mutable map of MVertex *and SVector3. Will the 2D 
> > meshing case every need access to this data type? Or will this only be used 
> > in the 3D meshing case?
> >
> > I hope that my explanation clearly explains the issue that I am having. If 
> > not, please let me know. I would very much to make sure that I am clearly 
> > explaining the issue that I am having.
> >
> > Thank you all for your time and I look forward to who so ever replies.
> >
> >
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> --
> Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
> University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
> http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~geuzaine
> Free software: http://gmsh.info | http://getdp.info | http://onelab.info

Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

Free software: http://gmsh.info | http://getdp.info | http://onelab.info

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