> On 21 Dec 2018, at 09:47, Benoit CURVERS <benoit.curv...@screen-lasse.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> We would like to export structures in .stl file with gmsh.
> Our structures can be in 2D or in 3D.
> We try to export a 3D structure in .stl format thanks to :
> “ gmsh -2 structure.geo -o structure.stl -format stl”
> But when we do this, we have a .stl file but with no element inside and with 
> this two lines :
> “solid Created by Gmsh
> endsolid Created by Gmsh”
> Is it normal ? How can we obtain a .stl file thanks to gmsh ?

Maybe your .geo file defines a "Physical Volume" (and no "Physical Surfaces")? 
You can use e.g. "-save_all" to force saving all elements (even those not 
belonging to physical groups).


> Thank you for your answer,
> Kind regards,
> Benoît CURVERS
> Simulation Engineer
> Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe (LASSE)
> SCREEN Semiconductor Solutions Co. Ltd
> Taïwan Cell : +886 (0)965-875-974 or 7629511
> Email : benoit.curv...@screen-lasse.com
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 

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