Dear Prof. Geuzaine,

Thanks for the response. Indeed, I just tested this using Gmsh on my Mac, and 
the resultant mesh runs fine.

So it seems the problem is restricted to the workstation, which is running 
Linux 64-bit (red hat). I just tried instead compiling from the source code and 
the error persists there also unfortunately. Are you aware of anything that may 
cause this? It's for an optimisation routine, so thousands of meshes are 
generated, so using my Mac isn't feasible unfortunately.

In regards to the boundary layer, I was originally using the BL field directly, 
however ran into issues as I couldn't have a growth rate "around" the airfoil 
spline (to have narrower cells at leading and trailing edges), as well as 
perpendicular to the airfoil. Also, at the trailing edge using the fan node 
resulted in too small cells causing numerical errors, and without it the cells 
were too bad quality, also causing errors. Using the transfinite surfaces gave 
me flexibility in the boundary layers, allowing two different growth rates 
perpendicular to the surface. With that it was running very well, until now on 
trying to include the blunt TE.

Thank you again,
Kind Regards,

Nathan Ricks.

From: Christophe Geuzaine <>
Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2019 12:09 AM
To: Nathan RICKS
Subject: Re: [Gmsh] Errors when increasing NNodesByEdge on a small edge

> On 10 Apr 2019, at 21:57, Nathan RICKS <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have quite a particular problem, but I'm hoping someone can help. I'm 
> meshing an airfoil using transfinite surfaces in the boundary layer.
> I've just had to add a blunt trailing edge (mesh was working well with sharp 
> trailing edge) to the airfoil, and now I have this one error stopping me, and 
> I just can't figure it out...
> When I increase the NNodesByEdge on Field[11] from 6 to 15, the mesh ends up 
> bad quality, with cell corners not matching other cells at the boundary of 
> surfaces, and it causes SU2 to diverge instantly. It runs fine with 6, but 
> crashes at 15. I've attached two images showing that it is a mesh issue 
> causing this (nothing else is being changed in the setup).

I cannot seem to reproduce the issue on my Mac. Attached is the mesh generated 
on your .geo file:

> Other things such as reducing lcMin on Field[12] can also make it crash for 
> example, however the above has visible errors in the mesh.

Idem... What OS are you running on?

PS: instead of generating the BL by hand, why not using the boundary layer 
field directly? Cf. e.g.

> Does anyone have an idea on why I can't use the Distance/Threshold field as 
> normal on this edge?
> If you can provide any guidance that would be greatly appreciated, it's so 
> close...! I've already tested with the latest release with the same results.
> Thanks a lot,
> Kind Regards,
> Nathan Ricks
> <NNodes_15.png><NNodes_6.png><airfoil_level1.geo>_______________________________________________
> gmsh mailing list

Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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