Thanks Kenneth,

That all worked fine.

I still don't know what was wrong with the other approach.

Thanks again,


Associate Professor Peter Johnston (FAustMS, FIMA)
School of Environment and Science
Griffith University | Nathan | QLD 4111 | Technology (N44) Room 3.19
T +61 7 373 57748| F +61 7 373 57656 Email<>
From: Kenneth Assogba <>
Sent: Thursday, 14 May 2020 10:21 PM
To: Peter Johnston <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [Gmsh] gmsh-sdk installation question

Good morning,

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. You can try to: install gmsh in a 
virtual env<> or put it manually in 
python path :

- Enter in the home directory :
cd ~

- [Download the SDK](<>) depending on 
your system
 -O /tmp/gmsh-sdk.tar.gz

- Uncompress it
tar -xvf /tmp/gmsh-sdk.tar.gz

- Open the *~/.bashrc* file and add to the last line
export *PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}":~/gmsh-4.5.6-Linux64-sdk/lib/

- source the *.bashrc* file
source ~/.bashrc

- test if all is ok
python3 gmsh-4.5.6-Linux64-sdk/share/doc/gmsh/demos/api/

Best regards,

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 1:22 PM Peter Johnston 
<<>> wrote:

I have a question about gmsh/gmsh-sdk installation under python - I realise 
this is not a gmsh question exactly, so hope it is OK.

I was trying to install gmsh and gmsh-sdk on a computer running ubuntu 18.04 
using 'pip3 install gmsh' (I also tried 'pip3 install gmsh-sdk'). On my mac 
laptop (OSX 10.15.4) this works fine. It puts the appropriate python gmsh files 
under /usr/local/ and everything works fine. However under ubuntu it installed 
to files under $HOME/.local/ and python3 says it cannot find the gmsh module.  
I have modified the PYTHONPATH variable to take into account $HOME/.local/, but 
this doesn't help.

I really don't know what is going on on two fronts:

  1.  I don't know why pip is installing things in different places between my 
two machines.
  2.  When I type print(sys.path) in python it points to the places where I 
think gmsh should be. Which files am I looking for exactly?

After a long time trawling the internet, I couldn't find anything that would 
help me with these issues.

Any insights would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


Associate Professor Peter Johnston (FAustMS, FIMA)
School of Environment and Science
Griffith University | Nathan | QLD 4111 | Technology (N44) Room 3.19
T +61 7 373 57748| F +61 7 373 57656 Email<>
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