Dear Christophe,

Thank you for your invaluable help. I have done that.

Best regards, Zuheyr

On Saturday, May 23, 2020 09:53 CEST, Christophe Geuzaine <> 

> On 12 May 2020, at 17:50, Zuheyr Alsalihi <> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I could not easily describe the problem.
> A rectangular slab step file that I have generated, attached CG1.step, shows 
> the top and bottom surfaces inward normal.
> I am not able to reverse this.
> But the surface is there, see Pic1.png. When I create an STL mesh with GMSH 
> gmsh-4.5.6-Linux64/bin/gmsh
> these 2 surfaces are not meshed. Can you please help me understand and solve 
> this problem?

Somehow OpenCASCADE badly translates surface 5 in the STEP file. See attached 
.brep of the offending surface: all point evaluations within the surface are 
(wrongly) evaluated on a plane parallel to the surface, but translated.

You should report this bug to the OpenCASCADE developers and attach the STEP 


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