Dear All,

I have created Amber input file (.prmtop and .rst7) using Xleap. And then I
have converted this input file into Gromacs input file format (*.gro and
*.top) with script. I did simulation using Gromacs Package (Amber
Force Field). Now I would like to convert Gromacs trajectory file to Amber
trajectory file format. So that I can easily analyses this trajectory. I
tried to convert Gromacs (.xtc) trajectory file to Amber (.mdcrd) trajectory
file using VMD. This VMD converted trajectory is not working fine for DCCM
(Dynamic cross correlation Matrix) analysis.

Now i'm trying to convert Gromacs trajectory into dcd format, and then use
ptraj to read the dcd file and write the mdcrd  (or AMBER netcdf)



 [1] Gromacs20ns.xtc à nojump.xtc (using trjcat/trjconv)

[2] nojump.xtc à amber20ns.dcd (using VMD)

[3] Ptraj file conversion

trajin amber20ns.dcd

trajout netcdf


Is it necessary to do image for this file.

trajin test.dcd

center origin

image origin center

trajout netcdf

Is this correct procedure?

I want to do DCCM (Dynamic cross correlation analysis).

DCCM Ptraj file


trajin test.rst7


strip :WAT

strip :Cl-

center :1-85 origin

image origin center

matrix correl name corr @CA out amber20ns.dccm byres

If you have any ptraj file format for this.

 Actually i did simulation based on NPT ensemble. Is it necessary to mention
the BOX dimensions in any were in the dcd file creation?

Already i tried to convert Gromacs trajectory into PDB (total trajectory)
but it is not working well for the analysis purpose of AMBER.

Eagerly waiting for your suggestion


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Mark Abraham <>wrote:

> **
> On 17/06/2011 2:57 AM, Raja Pandian wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have created Amber input file (.prmtop and .rst7) using Xleap. And then I
> have converted this input file into Gromacs input file format (*.gro and
> *.top) with script. I did simulation using Gromacs Package
> (Amber Force Field). Now I would like to convert Gromacs trajectory file to
> Amber trajectory file format. So that I can easily analyses this trajectory.
> I tried to convert Gromacs trajectory file to Amber trajectory file using
> VMD. This VMD converted trajectory is not working fine. Pls help me in this
> regards
> You really haven't said what you've done at the critical point, nor why you
> think it is not working. So we are unable to help at this time.
> Maek
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