Karl Goetz wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:16:31 +0200
> Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:
>> Sam Geeraerts schreef:
>>> Karl Goetz schreef:
>>>> I have changed the status of the bug[1]. Its now NEEDSINFO,
>>>> BLOCKER, target release deltah (2.3).
>>>> I'll adjust the status when we get word back from the FSF as to
>>>> their opinion.
>>>> Sam/Benedikt, have either of you emailed the FSF yet?
>>> I assume nobody has up until now, so I've just sent them an email.
>> Hi Sam,
>>      The team working on gNewSense are trying to decide what to do
>> about the
>>      amslatex software.
>> My short answer is: include it  :) .
>>      Considering that AMS probably own all
>>      the code in the package,
>> They do.
>>      is this an acceptable way of dealing with the situation?
>> It's certainly suboptimal, but I think it would be a terrible
>> overreaction to exclude amslatex just because of that.  Let's hope
>> they fix all their files soon.
> I see.
> Then I think we can leave it where it is. I still think we should
> include an updated licence file for it though; and a reference back to
> this discussion. Thoughts on that?
> kk

You might want to reply to the AMS. They promised to deliver an updated
license text, in case we ask them for it.
I am not sure whether it is the latest version of the AMS packages that
are shipped with gNS. If not, AMS should also change the license of the
older versions.
I can do that next week, but not any sooner.


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