On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 10:14:24AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Since I know people will bring this up: Yes, there is a lack of
> competition in the industry, and yes, cable monopolies are unfair, and yes,
> business class Internet feeds are overpriced.  None of that invalidates my
> points.  At most, the ideal situation would bring prices down.  Would you be
> willing to pay even two or three times as much for business class service?
It's not worth 2-3x.  50% premium to be doing exactly what I'm doing
now (light web serving, SSH, SMTP), only not violating the TOS?  Sure.

Comcast offers "Internet Pro" for 2x, but gives you 5 "static" IP addresses,
3.5M/384k, and the ability to use a VPN.  Outbound.


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