In a message dated: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 09:07:59 EDT
Travis Roy said:

>> Over 1130 folders with over 65982 messages (I say "over", because this
>> is just the mail I've been concerned enough with to port into
>> evolution). As far as disk space, all I can say is that its over 1GB 
>> and intermingled with a lot of other files.
>I'm sorry, but how could you possible be required to keep so much email?

Required to keep and wish to keep are two entirely different things :)

>I have probably 200-250 messages in my saved items, and I like 
>to keep my inbox under 50..

The operative word there is *like*.  It is your *preference* to keep 
your mail in that manner.

> Once my saved items starts getting bigger then that I archive it to CD.
> Still easy to access if I really need it and keeps my email lean and quick.

It's rather a pain to access a CD when you're not where the CD is.  
And it's often a pain to always carry a CD with you.  Especially if 
you're a consultant who moves around to different client sites often.

My situation is not like Bruce's, however, I too have have a ton of 
e-mail; dating back almost a decade, which consists of mail list 
archives, personal e-mail, etc.  I have 684 directories with over 
45000 messages.  All of which is in mh-style folders.  My mail is 
both "lean and quick" as you put it, and, it's all indexed using 
glimpse, which means I can search it very quickly!

The only down side is that I can't connect to it via IMAP, however, 
now that I have a broadband connection, that's not an issue :)
(there are also a lot of things I can do with my e-mail in mh-format, 
that I can't do if it were stored under an IMAP format, but I digress)

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        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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