Fred wrote:

The quick answer to that is *yes*. You can, using GRUB, set up as many booting OSes as you like.

If you need to install it to an existing drive with no free partitions, then you'll need to repartition that drive. There are ways of doing this under Linux, but I would not recommend this approach for a neophyte. "Partition Magic" under Windows apparently recognizes Linux partitions, but I have had no experience using it. Besides, I usually partition my drives right the first time! :-)
Partition Magic (aka PQMagic) does not support ext3 filesystems, so you need to downgrade them to ext2 before resizing with it. PQMagic will no longer be updated, since it was bought out by Symantec and their tech merged into Ghost, so other tools are the better bet now. Other tools, like the elsewhere-mentioned PartEd, don't share this limitation. I believe the current version of Ghost will handle ext3, but I haven't used it.

FC4 at least uses LVM by default and that's a whole different ball game.

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