On Dec 18, 2006, at 9:33 AM, Jon maddog Hall wrote:

To me Austin is MUCH better than NH from a quality of life standpoint

I think for a bachelor or a young married (but childless) couple who likes to party, this might be true. I think it starts to even out when you start to have children.

IF you start to have children ;-)

Eventually he got a job with a small company but they are only paying him 35K. However with that job he is able to afford a 4 bedroom house with a one
car garage on a 1/2 acre lot with a fenced in back yard.

Yes, but when he went to buy that car to put in that garage, he was only making 35K per year. Unless cars sell for a lot less in Austin then they sell other places his salary affects the type of car he can buy, the amount of money he can invest,

Not to mention the condition of the house! :)

If you don't mind a longer commute (and remember snow can make a long
commute much longer) than you should  be able to find housing that is
comparable to Austin.

It snows three to four times a year to the point that the commute becomes "much longer". And sometimes those snows happen on weekends or holidays. The other 200
working days things are fine.

Not to mention depending on the type of IT work you do, a few days here or there telecommuting is fine with most employers. More so when the weather is unsafe.

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