> I heard, somewhere, that Comcast is actually being sued for violating
> net neutrality. 

I don't believe that net neutrality is the law of the land. There are
many who argue it may not even be a good idea, but that's beyond this
thread about Fedora by far...

> Supposedly, they're throttling BitTorrent traffic.
> Sorry, I don't have any links to support this; this info is purely
> from the rumor mill. :)

A quick web search on "Comcast Throttling" or "Comcast Blocking" can
produce lots of interesting hits of varied reputation...




FWIW, I downloaded the RC3 DVD of Fedora 8 last week quite quickly (a
couple hours) and shared it back to the network over the weekend, seeing
around 5M down, 256K up over the long haul. I used that same image with
an updated torrent and renamed files to update my local copy to the gold
release, replacing only 15% of the blocks (I was surprised it was that
many!), saving the download time and joining in early as a seed.
Download finished in less than 2 hours yesterday and my sharing ratio
had hit 1.33 by this morning. So perhaps Comcast is only messing with
BitTorrent feeds in some more heavily trafficked areas?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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