> On 7/9/08, Labitt, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Anyone got any
> > suggestions?  Pitfalls on how I am thinking about things?

It seems to me that using any of the "traditional" mount points in this
situation is somewhat inappropriate; the new drive is intended primarily as
a resource for another machine.  Given that, Thomas' suggestion of
/bladeimages is a pretty sensible one.  I tend to mount shared net drives on
mountpoints like "/share", or mount a RAID on /raid, make a directory called
"share" on it, and share that directory.  It makes it obvious what physical
resource is associated with the mountpoint, and you can use symlinks to
organize things in a logical sense.

I dislike the /mnt suggestion because to me, /mnt is for a foreign
filesystem, e.g. something that might be removed.  On the blade server,
however, I'd probably mount the shared net filesystem under /mnt, for
reasons mentioned in VAB's reply.

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