On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
<roz...@geekspace.com> wrote:
> There's also satellite ...

  Ack-pfft!!  I wouldn't use satellite Internet if you gave it to me
for  free.  1.5 second RTT sucks wet farts out of dead pigeons.  (That
is not a typo.  1.5 seconds.  1500 ms.)  I think it'd be faster to put
the data on a floppy diskette and mail it there US post.  Plus the
hacktacular "accelerators" they give you to make web browsing
semi-bearable often don't work with Linux.  Or even Windows,
sometimes.  Run away, do not pass go, danger Will Robinson, etc.

> another potential benefit of a middleman that Ben didn't mention:
> while it may not make any sense, they're occasionally *cheaper* than
> just getting it direct from the source.

  Er, yes, I did leave that out.  Good point.  The usual explanation
is they offer better rates because they're buying wholesale and have
lower markup and overhead than Corporate Leviathan's retail channels.
I dunno if that's true; maybe they just made a deal with the devil or

-- Ben
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