Update: Our DSL service has been restored and now works as before.
There were apparently multiple problems on FairPoint's end, but we
also had some mis-communications internally (again, all-volunteer
organization, no regular business hours).

Thanks for all the helpful suggestions.  The mobile broadband would be
enticing since it would allow us to take our connection with us to
special events, but it might not be worth the money for us.  It looks
like our general options are really limited to FairPoint or Comcast
and at this point we'll probably stick with FairPoint.


On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Peter Dobratz <pe...@dobratz.us> wrote:
> I help out with some of the technology stuff at a Nashua non-profit,
> and we're having a frustrating experience getting our DSL to work
> again with FairPoint (*see below for the whole story).
> For one phone line + voicemail + DSL, I think it's about $75/month.
> Are there any alternatives to FairPoint for internet + phone line in
> Nashua?  We're far enough away from Main Street to miss out on the
> free Wi-Fi.
> Thanks,
> Peter
> The story:
> The non-profit is Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity and our original
> office was in the basement of the church at 154 Main Street in Nashua.
>  Last year, we were given larger, more accessible space at 63 Temple
> Street.  At that time, we had Verizon phone and DSL in the 154 Main
> Street office and we added a phone line and DSL in the 63 Temple
> Street office.  Since we envisioned 63 Temple Street to be our primary
> office, we moved our phone number there and then got a new number for
> the 154 Main Street office.
> After being in our new office for a while, we decided that we weren't
> utilizing our phone + internet at the old office enough to justify the
> cost, so we call up FairPoint (formerly Verizon) and order them to
> shut off our phone and DSL in the old office (November 16, 2009).
> Around 5:30 p.m. that same day while we happen to be in the office,
> the internet goes out (phone still works).  Restarting the router/DSL
> modem don't fix the problem.  The next day, someone calls to confirm
> that our request to shut off service at the old office is not
> affecting the DSL service we want to keep.  (We're an all-volunteer
> organization; I was away for Thanksgiving week).  On November 30,
> 2009, I stop in our old office (154 Main Street) and, lo and behold,
> the DSL line is working, but the phone is out.  So with this
> information in hand, I call up FairPoint and tell them that they shut
> off the phone at one office and the DSL at the other office.  I tell
> and re-tell this story to 4 different FairPoint workers, each promptly
> deciding it's not their problem and directing me to call another
> number.  Finally, I get them to put in a ticket.  I call periodically
> during the week to see if the ticket has been resolved and on Friday,
> they say everything should be working and we just need to power-cycle
> the router and DSL modem.  I get into the office and try this today
> (Sunday), and after this doesn't work I call FairPoint and find out
> that the ticket that they said was resolved was in fact never resolved
> and they are still working on it.  At this point, I feel like I'm
> getting mis-information and I'm not sure the best way to proceed.

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