On 03/30/2010 10:38 AM, Drew Van Zandt wrote:
> > I note the most important programming tool is present, located about
> > one foot to the left of the keyboard.  ;-)
> Indeed; that would be my afternoon cup of tea.  :-)
> I have a perhaps interesting strategy, which is to save tedious,
> repetitive tasks
> (which cannot be easily or safely automated, anyway) for the early
> morning before
> the $MORNING_BEVERAGE kicks in.  I leave careful instructions for my
> morning
> self at the end of the day.
> Hopefully the convergence of TVs, monitors, and cell phone displays
> (which,
> I am told, are optimized for viewing in either orientation) will
> result in a unified
> display with all of the best features... for 10 cents per square inch
> or similar.  ;-)
Wishful thinking :-)
I have an Android phone (Motorola Backflip) that I can use to ssh into
my work servers as well as the BLU servers. But it is a small display. 
For a number of years I thought the eyeglass terminals would eventually
replace monitors, such as those made by MyVu in Westwood, Ma
(http://www.myvu.com/). We've seen their glasses at both GNHLUG and BLU
meetings. One of the issues with cell phone viewers is there is no
standard. Each phone manufacturer uses its own screen size. I do like
the ability to view my phone in two different ways. When driving, I can
grab my phone with 1 hand, press an icon that dials SmarTraveler for the
route I plan to take.  I have then icon placed on the home screen at a
certain place. With something like the MyVu glasses I could drive and
play a computer game at the same time as long as I had my shields up :-)

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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